Yeah, you're right. It's an above average dick but a little smaller than mine. Sapphire though... she is fucking smoking. I wish she had let a little pube hair grow out at some point for guys like me that love it
She IS,and HAS been my FAV model,BIG or small.Sad she retired from her "PRO" modeling but she left an impressive BODY of work behind(no pun intended).I like the fact this younger dude really is not all that HUNG,just average( much smaller then many of the BIG schlongs she straps on.Yet he gets Sapphires motor running.That along with her AMAZING body is what set her apart from the rest of the pack.You knew SAPPHIRE wasn't "acting".This babe LOVED to get fucked 90% of the time.Her BODACIOUS plush fat body is unforgettable takin dick,or just doin herself solo